
Department of Geography & GIS



Year: 2019, Volume: 8, Issue: 1, Pages: 25-27

Original Article

Disparity in literacy rate in Bangalore metropolitan region

Received Date:12 February 2019, Accepted Date:24 April 2019


The study of human resource is of vital importance both from the point of view of economic development and social welfare. It is particularly important because human beings are not only instrument of production but are also ends in themselves. It is necessary to know quantitative terms, the number of people living in a region at a particular time, the rate at which the number is growing and the composition and distribution of population. Sustainable development involves conservation of land and water resources. With the increasing pressure of the ever growing human population, increased living standard and the concomitant activities are exerting tremendous pressure on the finite natural resources. The uneven distribution of population needs the proper adjustment of exiting things through the spatial planning only raises the standard of living of the population. So the population planning is the main element with reference to which other resources are planned (Singh 1968). In view of these demographic dimension and human resource to examine the spatial pattern of population in the study area for water management. The main aim of this study is to know literacy rate in Karnataka. In the present study an attempt is made to know the demographic pattern. The present study know literacy of the study unit. Date collected from the Census of Karnataka. According the 2001 census there were 5853892 literates out of which 3289021 males and 2564871 females in the city. According the 2011 census there were 8875783 literates out of which 4841813 males and 4033970 females in the city.

Keywords: Agriculture; Production; Productivity


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Published By Bangalore University, Bengaluru, Karnataka


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