
Department of Geography & GIS



Year: 2021, Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Pages: 5-12

Original Article

Impact of Precipitation Variability on Ground Water Resources: A Comparative Assessment of Indian States

Received Date:22 February 2021, Accepted Date:18 May 2021


In recent years, many countries are witnessing climate change in the form of precipitation variability. Increasing demand of water because of growing consumption of water in various sectors in India is mounting enormous pressure on water resource management. Not only this, changes in cropping pattern and land-use pattern, over-exploitation of water storage and changes in irrigation and drainage are modifying the hydrological cycle in many climate regions and river basins of India. Therefore, this study aims to assess the precipitation variability and impact of climate change on ground water resources in selected sample regions in India. Source augmentation of restoration of water bodies and ground water has been taken as two components to assess the status of water resources. Linear regression model has been used in this study to calculate the actual correlation between annual mean rainfall and groundwater depth in the study area. Groundwater depth in this study has been taken as a dependent variable whereas impact of rainfall as an independent variable is examined in this study.

Keywords: Temperature; Precipitation; Source Augmentation; Impact Assessment; Climate Change


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Published By Bangalore University, Bengaluru, Karnataka


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